Monday, July 7, 2008

flower arrangements from my garden

I love creating flower arrangements from what I have blooming in my garden at the time. Lately, I have been creating monochromatic ones. Here are a couple that I arranged on June 28th.

This one was created using yellow roses, yarrow, variegated euonymus, hosta, and cress blossoms.

I love purple flowers!  I have several in my yard and one whole garden devoted to them.  This arrangement has pincushion flower, lavender, juniper, spirea, purple sage blossoms, and kale.


Melanie said...

Sweet and old fashioned

Logan said...

Those are gorgeous! I have found a love for flower arranging lately as well, but mine don't look nearly that sophisticated! (p.s. Hi! Dave and I found your blog through Westin and Alissa's...)